Fiber crop

Fiber Extraction Methods and Types

  • Fiber extraction methods: retting, decortication, ginning
  • Bast fibers: harvested from phloem tissue
  • Hard fibers: harvested from plant vascular bundles
  • Surface fibers: harvested from plant epidermal tissue

Paper and Fiber Sources

  • Common fiber sources before industrialization: ramie, hemp, linen, cotton
  • Invention of deinking process by Justus Claproth in 1774
  • Introduction of wood pulp in 1843 reduced dependence on recycled materials
  • Wood pulp and deinking as related topics

Examples of Fiber Crops

  • Examples of bast fibers: bamboo (mechanical process), dogbane, esparto, flax, hemp
  • Examples of hard/leaf fibers: hoopvine, jute, kenaf, lotus, nettles
  • Examples of surface fibers: papyrus, ramie, Spanish broom, tilia (Linden or Lime)
  • Examples of leaf fibers: abacá, piña, sisal, bowstring hemp, henequen
  • Examples of seed and fruit fibers: coir, cotton, kapok, milkweed, luffa, walissima


  • Levetin and McMahon's book 'Plants and Society'
  • Agripulp as a source on pulping agricultural crops
  • Nonwood Alternatives to Wood Fiber in Paper as an archived source
  • Göttsching and Pakarinen's book on recycled fiber and deinking
  • Li et al.'s study on bamboo water-retting for fiber bundle extraction

Additional Information and Requests

  • Comparison study between Spanish broom and flax fibers
  • Information on Tilia (Linden or Lime) from Flora of North America
  • Paper sizes as a related topic
  • Need for additional citations to verify information
  • Request for improvement and removal of template message

Fiber crop Data Sources

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