Heated tobacco product

Introduction and Comparison to Electronic Cigarettes

  • Heated tobacco products (HTPs) heat tobacco at a lower temperature than conventional cigarettes.
  • HTPs contain nicotine, a highly addictive chemical.
  • The heat generates an aerosol or smoke that is inhaled, containing nicotine and other chemicals.
  • HTPs may also contain additives and flavoring chemicals not found in tobacco.
  • HTPs use various heating methods, including electric batteries and carbon embers.
  • HTPs use tobacco in leaf or solid form, while e-cigarettes vaporize a liquid containing nicotine.
  • HTPs can also use both solid tobacco and e-liquids in some hybrid products.
  • There are different designs of HTPs, including those with electric batteries and those using lit carbon embers.
  • Similar devices exist for heating cannabis instead of tobacco.
  • A 2016 World Health Organization report did not find evidence supporting lowered risk or health benefits compared to conventional cigarettes.

Health Effects and Addiction

  • The health risks of using HTPs compared to traditional cigarettes are unclear due to limited information.
  • Short- and long-term adverse effects of HTPs are unknown.
  • Users' evaluation of product safety varies, with some believing HTPs are safer than traditional cigarettes.
  • Independent research supporting claims of lowered risk or health benefits for HTPs is unavailable.
  • A 2018 Public Health England report suggests HTPs may be safer than traditional cigarettes but less safe than e-cigarettes.
  • Study suggests less harmful response in human oral epithelial cultures exposed to HTP emissions.
  • Heated tobacco emissions do not increase certain inflammatory substances in mice compared to cigarette smoke.
  • Overuse of HTPs can still lead to eosinophilic pneumonia in humans.
  • Impact on overall population is unclear.
  • Limited evidence suggests toxic exposure from HTPs is greater than from e-cigarettes.
  • HTPs contain highly addictive nicotine.
  • Nicotine content in HTP emissions is similar to traditional cigarettes, suggesting similar addictiveness.
  • Insufficient evidence on efficacy of HTPs for quitting smoking.
  • Limited information on product use and potential initiation by non-smokers, including young people.
  • HTP flavors may appeal to non-smokers and increase susceptibility to traditional cigarette use.

Emissions and Constituents

  • HTPs expose users and bystanders to an aerosol containing nicotine, volatile organic compounds, and carcinogens.
  • Traditional cigarette emission substances such as tar, nicotine, and carbonyl compounds are also found in HTPs.
  • HTPs may generate lower concentrations of airborne contaminants indoors compared to traditional cigarettes.
  • Compared to cigarettes, HTPs may expose users and bystanders to lower levels of particulate matter and harmful compounds.
  • Lower exposure to harmful substances does not necessarily correlate with reduced health risks.
  • HeatSticks and IQOS menthol mini-cigarettes emit three times the amount of water and half the amount of tar compared to traditional cigarettes.
  • No flame is generated, but charred residue may be present.
  • Emissions may contain substances not found in tobacco smoke due to differences in constituents.
  • Presence of carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, soot or tars, and aldehydes in emissions.
  • Gases, liquid, and solid particles found in emissions.

Industry and Regulation

  • Tobacco companies introduced alternative tobacco products as early as the 1960s.
  • HTPs were introduced in 1988 but were not commercially successful.
  • The decline in tobacco consumption may have led to the invention and marketing of HTPs.
  • The latest generation of HTPs may be an industry attempt to present a potential harm reduction product.
  • Current smoking bans may or may not apply to HTPs.

Pregnancy and Construction of HTPs

  • Limited options for pregnant women who want to quit smoking.
  • HTPs may be considered as an alternative to nicotine replacement products.
  • No information available on impact of HTP emissions from mother to fetus.
  • Risk to fetus is likely less than traditional smoking, but complete smoking cessation is recommended.
  • Nicotine is harmful to infant and adolescent brain, easily passes through placental barrier, and collects in breast milk.
  • Components of heated tobacco products: tobacco stick, hollow acetate tube, polymer film filter, and soft cellulose acetate mouthpiece.
  • Nicotine released from tobacco heated above 150°C.
  • Different temperatures result in varying substances emitted, such as nicotine, aromas, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and water.
  • HeatSticks reach a maximum temperature of 350°C, while glo iFuse heats tobacco to around 35°C.
  • E-cigarette aerosols at similar temperatures as IQOS contain toxic volatile organic compounds and aldehydes.

Heated tobacco product Mentions


Heated tobacco product Data Sources

Reference URL
Glossary https://www.alternix.com/blogs/glossary-of-terms/heated-tobacco-product
Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heated_tobacco_product
Wikidata https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q28657989
Knowledge Graph https://www.google.com/search?kgmid=/m/0113qdyj