
Structure and Function of Cheeks

  • Cheeks are fleshy in humans and form the lateral wall of the mouth.
  • The skin of the cheeks is suspended by the chin and jaws.
  • The inside of the cheeks is lined with a mucous membrane.
  • Cheeks help keep food between the teeth during chewing.
  • The inside of the cheeks is part of the oral mucosa.
  • Cheeks are important for mastication.
  • The cheeks are covered by stratified squamous epithelium.
  • The cheeks are supplied with secretions from buccal glands.

Cheeks in Animals

  • Cheeks in animals are covered externally by hairy skin.
  • The internal lining of animal cheeks is stratified squamous epithelium.
  • Some animals have caudally directed papillae on their cheeks.
  • Buccal glands in animals supply secretions to the cheeks.
  • Some animals use buccal pouches to carry food or other items.

Cheek Swabs and Genetic Testing

  • Cheeks are a common location for DNA sample collection.
  • DNA samples can be collected using a cheek swab.
  • Cheek swabs are often used for genetic testing.
  • Cheek swabs are non-invasive and easy to collect.
  • Cheek swabs are commonly used in forensic investigations.

Societal and Cultural Aspects of Cheeks

  • Cheek kissing is a cultural greeting gesture.
  • High cheekbones are considered an attractive feature.
  • Cheeks are related to blushing.
  • Cheek augmentation is a cosmetic procedure.

Related Concepts

  • Cheek swabs are commonly used in forensic investigations.

Cheek Data Sources

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